Friday, November 12, 2010

A quote about children

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future”
        John F. Kennedy (35th President of United States of America)

This is a quote that has a special meaning for me as I truly believe in it. When we get our hands on a valuable resource we get it cut and polished to make it even more precious. Just like that it is our ultimate responsibility to make the most valuable resource that we have, the children, priceless.  There is no other way to do it than giving them a world-class education.  

I believe if we create a strong base in the early years of a child’s life then everything built on that will be strong and sturdy too. If a building is on a strong foundation it is not going to collapse due to wind or rain. Just like that, if a child has a strong educational underpinning in early years, that child will not loose the motivation to continue his or her journey due to the challenges in life.

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