Thursday, November 25, 2010

Quotes from the professionals in video segment

“…What unique opportunity we have in working with children. We as professionals in early childhood field have the opportunity to shape the child’s life for the better.”
Sandy Escobedo, MS, is the Deputy Field Director, Preschool Advocacy Initiative for the California Community Foundation.

“I am not here to change the world; I am here to make a difference in the community that I am working.”
Raymond Hernandez, MSEd, is the Executive Director for the University of Southern California School for Early Childhood Education

1 comment:

  1. All these professional have wonderful words to motivate us and validate our passion for early childhood. I love Sandy Escobedo's quote about how we have the unique opportunity to shape a child's life for the better. I hope that every day I spend with these amazing children at my school, that I am making a positive impact on them.
