Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Personal Research Journey.

This journey is exciting as well as tough for me already. There are so many topics that I love to learn more about by doing my own research, even though I understand how hard it is for me to find time and energy to do so. I am an educator fascinated about the brain. I wished to learn more about the brain development. But for this course, the second week assignments are connected with the first week assignments. So I have to go with the article I chose in the first week “shyness and emotion-processing skills in pre- school”. One of my subtopics is what shyness is.
I am a shy and quiet person by nature until I get comfortable with the environment that I am in. Most of the people that I know do not believe this as they consider me as a chatty and social person. Every year I get to meet children who are shy by nature. At the beginning of the school year they are shy and later on they open up. But there are children who are shy and quiet year around. So I am taking this opportunity to learn more about the subject so I can better serve the children.

Shyness or social anxiety is something that almost everyone relates to. Some children and adults have to deal with this more than others. Due to social anxiety people face lower self esteem, poorer educational and work outcomes, and isolations in life as well as depression. In most cases, early treatments could prevent these problems.

There are several reasons for a young child to be shy. Family interactions with the child could be a reason for him/her to be shy. When the child has negative interactions with the mother it mostly costs the shyness in young child. Sometimes the children outgrow their shyness with growing up. But family, caregivers and educators in the child’s life have to know whether it is going to outgrow with the age or whether the child needs help. If the child needs help with social anxiety then it is better to start it at a young age. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one way to help a child. One of the children in my classroom is going to start this very soon. He is in the process of getting the paper work completed by his family, teachers, and mental health consultants. When the therapeutic approach is not successful some people have to take anti-anxiety medication.

Here is one resource that I enjoyed reading. Hope that you will enjoy it as well:
Guastella, A.. (2009, March). A Cure for SHYNESS. Australasian Science, 30(2), 33-35 Retrieved May 14, 2011, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 1681811841).


  1. Venuri,

    Thank you for sharing the article! It was informative and well presented.

    You also presented the blog assignment very well and made it quite easy to read.

    Shyness is a great topic, and I agree shyness is something everyone can relate to.

  2. Venuri,
    Every child has a very own personality and temperament. However some children are very shy. Is there a biological cause of shyness? Is the environment solely to blame or both?
    Whatever the outcome is I believe early interventiion is necessary to improve the development of shyness in ypoung children and parents should be educated in ways to support their shy child.

    Thanks for your post!

  3. Shyness a great topic. I am the same kind of person you are, I am very quite until I get to know the environment and the people then I am chatty and open with my personality. I do believe the reason I am this way is becasue my father was in the military when I was growing up and I have traveled to many diffeerent environments and have met people and became relly close to them then had to leave them. Therefore each time I moved I became a little more insecure of sharing myself to others.
    Your topic is very good and I am looking forward to reading more on it as we continue through this course.
