Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog Assignment: Getting Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources
Blog Assignment Part 1: Establishing Professional Contacts
I signed up for the radio, video, and podcasts of these two websites as my attempts to contact someone is not a success yet.
·         UNICEF has local organizations and representatives worldwide. Check out the country specific links and contact a local representative: 
Blog Assignment Part 2: Expanding Resources
I signed up for the news letters of these three websites.

Early Childhood Related Websites—Outside the United States
I chose these two sites as my favorites to check bi weekly to read the updates on what changes are taking place in early childhood arena overseas.
·         Association for Childhood Education International
(Review also these online resources at: )
It took a considerable time for me to check out these wonderful resources. While doing so I learnt a lot about what the priorities are in the early childhood field currently. It gave a chance to see how much national and international resources are available for the early childhood community to broaden their horizons. It made me feel great to be this arena.


  1. Thank you for sharing all these great resources. I have listened to the radio broadcast from the World Forum and found that it was very interesting and informational.

  2. Venuri,
    There is a proverb that says, “Knowledge is power” and I can identify with it. There is so much information available that early childhood personnel can utilize, many people may not have access to the information and here is where we can utilize our professional expertise to empower others. I am also thinking that early childhood practitioners really need to be recognized properly for the work they are doing and quality time should be provided for enrichment. You noted that it took a considerable amount of time to peruse the resources and that is true. I know we will continue to do that even after this course has ended because the information will be continually updated. I hope you succeed at establishing contact. All the best!

  3. Venuri,
    Issues ad trends affect children and families all over the world. I am excited to learning about the issues and how other countries handle those issues. We must remember that children and families all ove the world may experience similiar situations but what is different is the way each issue is handled according to the different cultural tradition. There may be issues which are different or same across the board. Only time will tell!
    I am anxiously waiting for replies from my contacts and and hope to share with colleagues.

    Thanks for posting!
