Saturday, June 4, 2011

Research around the World 

The influential international web site I choose is; Early Childhood Australia: This is the Australian equivalent to the U.S. based NAEYC. You can access several links to early childhood research from the menu on the left side of the home page.  

As a person who has family in Australi,a I hear lots of great things going on in early childhood arena in Australia. When I got the opportunity to see it myself I got too excited, I spend a full day basically reading the articles in this web site. This website reminded me of everything that I learnt about a good web site. More than anything, it is easy navigate and full of great information.

Some of the current international research topics
  • Respecting Diversity.
  • Childhood Obesity.
  • Learning and teaching through play.
  • High Quality care: staff and child ratios.
  • Child’s transitions and school readiness.
  • Building relationships to strengthen learning.
It was wonderful to see the similar topics on research in Australia as in United States. As a developed country Australia is also paying more attention to improve the early childhood education. Here is the link to read more about the current research topics.  

Surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood I gained from exploring this international early childhood website.
Cruising through the web site of early childhood Australia I happened to read the Code of Ethics. There is a separate section dedicated to research and how to be cooperative with research procedures as an early childhood educator. It was insightful and amusing to me. This is the link to the Code of Ethics.
Learning from High/Scope: Enriching everyday practice is another article I got interested, in my mind High/Scope is one of the American early childhood education paths. When I found it in Australian early childhood web site it surprised me.

This link is to find the past issues of ECA WebWatch: There are issues available from 2005 through June 2011. It is impressive to see the availability of all these and there are articles on Aboriginal people as well.

Other noteworthy information I found on this website
These are two noteworthy informations, which I found in the website.
Australian Journal of early childhood

Early childhood magazine



  1. Venuri,
    Again, the current international research topics are further proof that we are living in a global village and the issues are quite similar in many respects. In Australia, like in Europe they produce a quarterly journal designed to impart new information and encourage the critical exchange of ideas among persons in the early childhood field. That is excellent! It is important for us as professionals to align ourselves with at least one professional organization so we can keep abreast of the latest in the field as well as share the wealth of information we possess. Great post!

  2. Venuri,

    I always enjoy reading your blogs because you have them set up in a way that is inviting for others to read. I find it very organized. It is also great that you had personal connections to the topic, such as family in Australia where you could focus on first hand accounts and information you have gained through word of mouth.
