Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcoming Families From Around the World 

  • The name of “your” family’s country of origin  
                My family’s country of origin is Somalia.


  • At least five ways in which you will prepare yourself to be culturally responsive towards this family 

                      I will do my own research and learn about the country, culture, and beliefs.
  • I will meet with community members who are originally from North East African region if I could not meet a family or more from Somalia
  • I will ask questions from the family with much respect and care.
  •  I will make sure that the family is welcomed at the program and feel comfortable to be in the program.
  • I will incorporate costumes, dolls, pictures, food in to the classroom dramatic play area.
  • There will be picture books on the culture, foods as well traditions for children to enjoy.
  •  I will try my best to send written communications in their language of preference

  • A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations will benefit both you and the family
  • I would be a much more confident person to meet the needs of the child as well as the family.
  • When I am feeling comfortable, the family is going to be feeling confident to leave the child in the classroom.
  • When they see that their culture is included in the environment of the classroom they are going to know that they are welcomed in the program/ classroom.
  • When the family receives the communication in the language of preference that helps them to bridge the language barrier.
  • If I get to meet the other families of Somalia in the community that is going to be my go to resource for this family.

1 comment:

  1. Venuri,
    There is a proverb that says: First impression counts and that is true for any family coming into a learning environment especially if it is an immigrant family. It is very important to familiarize oneself about their culture including their boundaries in order to avoid violation of their culture. By incorporating artifacts from their culture, you are displaying an appreciation for diversity which will be highly appreciated by any family. The family will feel a sense of comfort knowing that cultural differences are being honored. Thanks for sharing!
