Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reflecting on Communication in the Early Childhood Field

Dear Colleagues,
Another course is coming to end.
Another eight week session is coming to the end.
We learnt together, shared our wisdom, struggled with our time,
But we are moving on to the next course.
We worked together from far away places,
We connected through the discussion and blog,
It seems we all know each other and are much closer,
We all have one goal and that is to make the early childhood arena a better one for the children of the world.

Even though we are getting closer to the end of this journey
I hope that we all will keep in touch with each other
So we can still share ideas, thoughts and wisdom
I personally would love to keep in touch with everyone
If you would like to, here is my e-mail address    

I wish everyone the best of luck for the next course
I hope everyone would keep in touch
May your vision and goals be successful
May the early childhood arena be the best in the world
Much love and thanks to all the wonderful educators
          This is my Walden e-mail and if you would like to be in touch with me please write to this address and I will share my personal e-mail address with you. Thank you!!!

Happy holidays take care enjoy this wonderful time of the year!!!


  1. Venuri,
    What a junction to be pausing at to share our thoughts! It has been great learning and sharing. I personally want to thank you for your invaluable contributions and I wish you all the best in your specialization area. Our program is certainly providing us with the knowledge, skills and disposition necessary to make a greater impact in the field of early childhood and for this we are grateful.

  2. Venuri,
    Yes! We have completed another great course towards our specialization. I just want to say thank you for your inspiration and motivation every week. The laughter, the sorrows, the good days and the not so good days; you were there. Wow!! I now say you are like no other and may the days ahead be fruitful and may you continue to be a light for others.
    God bless and a HAPPY 2012!!!

