Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation 
  • Your response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families
Equal rights and opportunities are the base for the American culture. Europeans reached United States looking for opportunities for their religious freedom. Then, why are we discriminate individuals regarding their sexual orientation today? Freedom is not just about one color, gender, or faith, freedom is about having equal opportunities to be who we are and to be able to live freely. If the person is educated and qualifies for the occupational responsibilities I do not believe that anyone has the right to judge and be disrespectful towards that person due the sexual orientation. It is a learning opportunity for the families and for the children if they have never been around a person of different sexual orientation. Once learned, stereotypes and prejudices resist change, even when evidence fails to support them or points to the contrary (Teaching Tolerance, 1999). So I would explain the importance of having children exposed to the realities of the world and if the children have questions we the educators, will address them in an age appropriate manner.
  • How you would respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child
I would try my best to provide the family with resources and opportunities to learn about the different sexual orientations of human beings to understand beyond myths and stereotypical thinking behind them. I personally do not believe that there is justification by any legal process that occupational rights should depend on a sexual orientation of a person. I would explain what it takes to be a loving and a caring early childhood educator and how important it is to have respect for all beings without judgment. I will listen to the families concerns and address them to the best of my abilities to give them peace of mind. If we adults do not plant the seeds of fear in young minds they do not see the bias or fear towards person on any of the “isms”. So I would encourage the family to give the person a chance as well as let them receive the services and learning opportunities that they deserve. Sexual orientation does not affect one’s job qualifications (Safe Zone, 2011).  


·         Teaching Tolerance (1999), “Test Yourself for Hidden Bias” retrieved on 01.03.2012 from,  ,


  1. Venuri,

    Reading books about different sexual orientation is a starting point to help children and families understand differences and similarities in families and to appreciate families self-identity. Families and children thrive when they are supported, valued and recognized in the environment that surround them. It is unfortunate that many early childhood educators do not see the need to include books of such nature.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Venuri,

    It is important to exposed children to all the different people who makes up a family unit. The traditional family which consists of a father, mother, and children are changing and we see a lot of diversity in a family unit. The family unit consists of gays and lesbians and it is the parents and educators to teach all children about the changes that exists in our families today.

  3. Venuri,

    I would agree with you that we need to provide student with the opportunities to learn and know about other cultures. I think it is a good ideas to relay this message to the students int he classroom and with our families.
