Thursday, November 25, 2010

Additional Quotes

 Adults look upon a child as something empty that is to be filled through their own efforts, as something inert and helpless for which they must do everything, as something lacking an inner guide and in constant need of inner direction. . . . An adult who acts in this way, even though he may be convinced that he is filled with zeal, love, and a spirit of sacrifice on behalf of his child, unconsciously suppresses the development of the child's own personality
Maria Montessori

Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail.  What you gain at one end you lose at the other.  It's like feeding a dog on his own tail.  It won't fatten the dog. 
Mark Twain

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
Albert Einstein

The school is the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to economize.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. Your post is a nice reminder of what is really about. I thinking I have seen or am seeing the results of each of these quotes. This gives me hope. But it frightens me a bit also. The quotes make the Responsibility very real. I felt a pull tug on my heart strings.

  2. Very nice assembly of quotes! It's like a feast of wisdom on your page! I really like that one by Maria Montessori...we all need to realize that everyone, even children, have something valuable already inside them and we'd do best to try to help them discover that.

  3. I wish all politicians had the quote from mark Twain hung in their offices. It has been proven that preventative services cut the rate of child abuse, juvenile deliquency and school drop-out rates among other things. So why do preventative programs get cut so quickly from the budget?

  4. I love the Albert Einstein quote! I hope that is true of most of my students that I had. They may not remember E=MC2 but they will continue to thrive to always continue to learn :)
