Saturday, November 13, 2010

One of my favorite books

One of my favorite authors for the preschool or elementary years is Ezra Jack Keats.
His books are timeless stories, to name a few: The Snowy Day, Whistle for Willie, Peter’s Chair, Letter to Amy, and Goggles. I have these books in my classroom library, and children love them all as they can relate to Peter the main character well.
As I have to pick one story, I picked “Snowy Day”. It is a child’s adventure on a snowy day with social emotional, science, and literature mixed together. During the cold winter days in Michigan, we basically get to enjoy the full adventure at the school.  

1 comment:

  1. The Snowy Day was the book we read for the Read for the Record this year on October 7! It is a great book. We had a record over 700 children come to the event locally.
