Thursday, November 11, 2010

A family picture by a 4 year old

This is a picture by one of the 4 year old girls in my classroom. It is very eye opening for me to hear her discription of the picture. "my mommy is big and strong. My family is going out side to play in the park. My baby sister is little and my big sister is in a big school now, she is big. I wrote lots of letter M's, my mommy is helping me to learn them". she dose not mention much about her dad other than naming him on the picture. I know for fact that he works night shift and has to rest during the day time, so children spend more time with mommy and she is a very involved mother too. For me this picture shows what really matters in a child's world.( writing on the picture are mine other than the letterM's:).

1 comment:

  1. This picture is great as is your description of it! Makes you wonder how the dad must feel, if he realizes the message behind the drawing; kids are more perceptive than we give them credit for. Would dad be open to creating a different role for himself so that maybe in future drawings he can be just as big as mommy.
